What is Optimal Running Cadence?

What is Optimal Running Cadence?

Running is a healthy habit often suggested to improve cardiovascular health, mental stability, and weight loss. However, the optimal running cadence is unknown for people who are just starting out with it. Our blog post takes you through everything you need to know to determine the cadence that is perfect for you.

What is the Ideal Cadence for Running?

While some might say that cadence depends upon one’s personal preference, finding the ideal cadence for running is essential to knowing you’re on the right track. Typically, the ideal cadence for running is somewhere between 150 to 200 SPM (steps per minute).

What is the Cadence for Elite Runner? 

Athletes in sportswear starting a race on a plastic track

Before we move toward the cadence of an elite runner, let’s talk about what cadence actually is. Cadence is a term used for the number of steps a runner takes every minute while running. While not talked about enough, cadence is an important part of running and impacts the performance and efficiency of a runner. 

For an elite runner, the optimal cadence is between 180 to 192 steps per minute. This quick turnover enables them to:

  1. Increase of Stride Frequency

When a runner has a high cadence, it means they are covering more ground at the same time as the steps per minute. 

  1. Reduce Ground Contact Time 

With a higher cadence, you will have a shorter ground contact time that minimizes the impact forces on the body while reducing the risk of injury.

  1. Improve Running Economy

Increased cadence and efficient movement conserves energy and it allows runners to sustain a faster pace for longer.

Is High Cadence Better Running?

High cadence, meaning taking more steps per minute while running, can be beneficial. However, calling it better overall cannot be generalized. The high cadence making the entire running experience better depends upon your individual goals of the runner, your medical condition, and your running style. Nonetheless, if you are still keen on learning whether a high cadence means better running, check out the following pros and cons. 

Benefits of High Cadence for Running

  1. High cadence often takes you to a shorter stride, which means less impact reaches your joints, lessening the chances of injuries. 

  2. When the stride is shorter, it can promote an efficient gait cycle. Due to this reason, braking forces reduce with every step. 

  3. When the cadence is higher, it encourages the forefoot and midfoot strike. This results in making the running posture better. 

  4. High cadence prevents and reduces the risks of injuries like runner’s knee and shin splints. This happens because high cadence distributes the forces in an even manner. 

Drawbacks of High Cadence for Running

  1. Moving towards a high cadence from a low cadence might be uncomfortable. It might feel a bit awkward in the beginning. 

  2. For some runners, a higher cadence results in feelings of fatigue and tiredness. This especially happens when the runner is not used to it. 

  3. Each runner has an optimal cadence that balances efficiency and comfort, and forcing a specific cadence may not be suitable for everyone.

On What Factors Do Cadence Depend?

 The rate of cadence depends upon other factors as well. Those factors include:

  1. Height

Height plays an important role in determining the optimal cadence for running. If you are a person of average height, the ideal cadence for you will lie between 170 to 180 SPM. 

  1. Weight 

Other than height, weight is another factor when it comes to calculating the optimal cadence. 

  1. Footwear

Unlike other workouts, there is a separate range of shoes and socks for running purposes. This shows that footwear has a critical role in determining your cadence. 

  1. Running Speed

The cadence is dependable on running speed. If you are just starting out, you are likely to have a lower cadence. However, if you are an athlete and have a habit of running, you can achieve a cadence of 150 to 200 SPM.  

How Do I Increase My Running Cadence?

Woman wearing sneakers and sports socks running outdoors

Increasing cadence is a gradual process that requires time and consistency. If you are someone willing to increase your running cadence, the following tips will surely help you out. 

  1. Establish a Baseline Cadence

To establish baseline cadence, start running at a normal pace and count the number of steps you take in one minute. For more accuracy, you can use one of the cadence-calculating apps available online. 

  1. Increase Gradually

When aiming to increase the cadence, consider increasing it by 5 to 10% at a time. For instance, if your current cadence is 160 SPM, you can increase it by  165 to 170 SPM. Remember, a quick increase of cadence can result in discomfort. 

  1. Choose the Right Footwear

Footwear plays a crucial role in increasing the cadence for running. Opt for shoes and socks that are specifically made for running. While you can find running shoes anywhere online, choosing Hywell running socks can be a great option for comfort and improved cadence. 

  1. Involve Your Core & Lean Forward

Utilize the strategy that athletes and professional runners use. With the help of your muscles, stabilize your body and lean forward from the ankles. This encourages quick turnover. 

  1. Practice Cadence Drills

You can also include short, fast sprints (20–30 seconds) with a focus on quick turnover during easy runs.

Or, consider trying out running uphill, which naturally encourages a higher cadence due to the incline and shorter strides.


Running is indeed a good habit, whether for individuals who are seeking health benefits or athletes who do it for the profession. Nonetheless, determining the right cadence can make all the necessary difference in the effectiveness of your running. Our blog post includes all the valuable information about optimal running cadence along with tips to increase it. If you have tried the strategies to increase cadence but couldn't, try wearing socks made just for running. At the Hywell store, we have an ultimate collection of running socks to match every need.